(The 93rd was part of the First Brigade, Third Division, 15th Army Corps on the right wing of Sherman's March to the Sea. This Army cut a 50 mile wide path through central Georgia, destroying everything in its way. It operated without supply lines or communication. This bold movement was undoubtedly a major factor in the collapse of the Confederacy. The Moses diary entries recounted hard marches but relatively few encounters with the enemy.)

November 14, 1864

This evening we are in camp on the west side of Atlanta. We marched about 15 miles to day. Atlanta is a nice town and some very strong forts in it. To day I seen Howard Hanes (Howard Haines of the 26th Illinois). We are now in our old corps. This evening we will draw some cloathing.

November 15, 1864

Last night we drawed some cloathing. I drawed one over coat, a pair of pants, two pairs of drawers, two pairs of socks. We did not get our cloathing till after nighttime. This morning the 15 corps moved out.

November 16, 1864

Last evening we marched very hard. We left Atlanta at noon and marched till 1 in the night. We got to the division and in the morning we had to get up and march at 6 again. Oh but I am tired. To day we marched about 20 miles. I am very tired this evening. We are in camp at McDonough to night.

November 17, 1864

To day we marched 20 miles. We come through Jackson a prety nice town. To day our regiment was train guard. We marched very hard to day.

November 18, 1864

This morning we marched 5 miles. Then we got to the Ocamulgo (Ocmulgee) river and there we had nothing to cross over but an old fery boat and only 50 could get on at a time. We were the second reg that crossed over. The caverly crossed this morning. We are now in camp about one mile from the river. We got here at 10 A M and now we lay. Still we are prety tyred. A little rest will come good to us.

November 19, 1864

This morning the caverly passed by. They go ahead to day. Last night I was safe guard at a housee. We got our super and breakfast. We marched 12 miles.

November 20, 1864

To day we marched very hard. We marched 10 miles and come to Clinton a small village. We are now within 12 miles of Macon. The caverly have been skirmishing with the rebles through here. We are now in camp a mile from Clinton. This evening the caverly dashed in on the part of Macon that is on the west side of the river. They took the town.

November 21, 1864

To day we marched 12 miles. We got on the rong road and had to march back about two miles. We run into the 17 corps and had to turn back again. This evening we got in camp prety early. It rained all day to day.

November 22, 1864

This morning we march again. To day we got to gordon station. There is a railroad junction here.

November 23, 1864

This morning we lay in camp yet. Last night all of the troops here wont be (unidentified) up the railroad. Last evening we heard heavy canonading in our rear probely at Macon.

November 24, 1864

This morning we still lay in camp at Gordon station but are waiting for order to go. Last evening the 26th Ill of the 2nd Brigade went out to the river. To day we marched out about a mile and formed a line of batle in case the reble caverly should make a dash (unidentified) . We have layed here two days at Gordon.

November 25, 1864

To day we left gordon about 9 P M and got to Irwinton at round dawn. We come 12 miles. To day I rode in the Ambulance. I had the Chills again. The 1st Division is in camp.

November 26, 1864

To day we marched 13 miles. We got to camp about 1 P M. We are now in camp in a field three miles from Oconee river. There lots of troops camp on this side of the river. Our reg was in the lead. We had to furnish 10 pickets to day. Quite a lot for our rgt.

November 27, 1864

Today we crossed the Oconee river and got on the rong road. Then we had to turn back again. We marched 8 miles to day. We are now in camp at Irwin cross roads the whole of the 15 corps.

November 28, 1864

To night we are in camp 15 miles from where we were last night. We marched prety hard. The 2nd Div was next to us. The 17th is on our left. To day our reg was rear guard and did not get to camp till after dark.

November 29, 1864

This morning we started out at 7 and marched very hard. We marched 18 miles to day. We come over a very nice contry. Very nice pine timber but the land is very sandy.

November 30, 1864

We got to camp at sun down. We come over very sandy contry but very nice pine timber. The contry through this part is very thinly settled.

December 1, 1864

To day we marched over very swampy ground and very mudy. We marched 8 miles to day.

December 2, 1864

This morning we leave at 6. We was on guard at the suply train. We still marched through very swampy ground. We are now in camp. We marched 12 miles to day. This evening we draw rations. We draw half rations crakers sugar. We get lots of meet.

December 3, 1864

To day we lay over. I believe the 17 corps is crossing the ogagee (Ogeechee) river. To day we get some swet potatoes that they foraged in the contry.

December 4, 1864

To day we marched prety hard. We marched 15 miles and over very swampy ground and very sandy land. We got to camp at 8 P M.

December 5, 1864

To day I was on a forage detail. We got lots of potatoes and meat. To day we marched 18 miles. To day the advance had a little skirmish with the rebles.

December 7, 1864

This morning we marched at 8 A M for parts unknown to us. To day we marched 12 miles over very swampy ground. We had to wade through a swamp to our knees.

December 8, 1864

To day we lay over again. We are one mile from th Ogega (Ogeechee) river. To day I have the fever again. I feel awful sick.

December 9, 1864

To day we crossed the Ogeega river. We marched 12 miles. To day we heard heavy canonading toward Savanah.

December 10, 1864

To day we marched 10 miles and come on the rebles. Our reg was sent out regunortering (reconnoitering). We went 2 miles and throwed out skirmish and advanced but found nothing. We could see the rebles camp. After we returned the rebles throwed two shells at us but done no harm.

December 11, 1864

To day we lay under fire. We are close to the rebles. There is a large swamp between us so that we can do nothing more then skirmish with them. Last night the left wing went out skirmishing and to day the right wing goes out. We had one man wounded of Co (unidentified) caverly. (The 93rd was involved in heavy skirmishing here about 6 miles from Savannah. According to the regimental history, they had one killed and two wounded).

December 12, 1864

Last night we marched till 10 o clock. We were taken off of the skirmish line and marched 6 miles and camped in a plowed field. It was very cold. Gen howards ( General O. O. Howard in charge of the right wing of the March) headquarters here also. To day we leave again. We are now in camp. We come 5 miles and crossed the railroad.

December 13, 1864

We are still in camp this morning but do not know how long we will stay here. To day we lay still again. To day our men charged fort McAllerta (Fort McAllister) and took the first line of works. They charged about half after 4 the result I do not know.

December 14, 1864

To day we still lay in camp. The report is that our men hold fort McAllester this morning. (The capture of the fort is very important as Sherman's Army has now reached the coast and the Federal Navy can support them.)

December 15, 1864

We are still in camp at Millens station this morning. There was very heavy canonading to the left of us. I supose it was the 2nd Division of the 15th corps. The results I know not.

December 16, 1864

To day our reg or part of it are on skirmish and picket. They are about a mile from camp. To day everything seems to be very quiet. No firing of any acount. Sometimes a canon shot is shot from our gun boats on the Savanah river.

December 17, 1864

To day we still lay in camp. Last evening the boys of our regt were relieved from picket. They come in after dark. We still have nothing to eat but rice. It is very good but still hard tack and sow belly (bacon) would go much better here.

December 18, 1864

To day is sunday. Very warm day here. The Mosqetes and nats bother a man. While I supose up north it is so cold that a person nearly fresces. This evening we drawed the first hard bread that we drawed for six days.

December 19, 1864

To day we got order to be redy to march at a moments notice but it has not come yet.

December 20, 1864

Last evening our regt was detailed for picket. 12 men, two coporel, one sergent out of our company. To day we hear very heavy canonading off our left. To day we had to clean up our camp for Inspection. The corps Inspector is come to inspect us.

December 21, 1864

Last night I was on camp guard and at 11 we got orders to be redy to march. We are now redy. Have tents struck and are waiting for ordrs. We march now for parts unown to us again. We come 12 miles.

December 22, 1864

We marched 12 miles yesterday and to our great surprise right to the city of savanah. The rebles (unidentified) on the night of the 21st and left all of there artillery. They left over 200 pieces of siege guns and some small pieces. We are now in camp one mile from the city. We can see a small portion of the town. ( Confederate General William Hardee withdrew his troops across the river to South Carolina on December 21 without a shot being fired. He felt he was in a hopeless position and that this was the best course for his Army.)