Eugene Goodwin, Soldier's Home, Marshalltown, Iowa ~1905

Eugene Goodwin, of the 99th New York Infantry Regiment, kept a remarkable diary during his Civil War enlistment. He was a 28 year old schoolteacher when he entered the army and was an interesting and articulate writer. He was frank in comments and criticisms of his superiors and fellow soldiers.

He witnessed important historical events including the inauguration of President Lincoln on March 4, 1861, and the battle of the ironclads, the Monitor and Merrimac on March 9, 1862. His diary entries at the end of the year reflect upon the past year and look forward to a more promising new year.

The diary has been transcribed by Louise Goodwin McKlveen, the granddaughter of Eugene Goodwin. She has transcribed it exactly as written but we have added comments in bold italics to help clarify the events for readers. Louise checks her e-mail regularly and would be pleased to hear your comments or suggestions about this web site. Her e-mail is Louise McKlveen. Louise is shown below holding G.A.R. medal belonging to Eugene Goodwin, January, 2002.

We would like to acknowledge the help of several historians that provided background to better understand events described in the diary. Ray Holleran, a retired Army officer from Hampton, Virginia has been particularly helpful. Others in the Fort Monroe area include Dennis Mroczkowski, John Quarstein, and Bill Mace. Harry Thompson, Curator of the Port O' Plymouth Museum at Plymouth, North Carolina provided valuable information. Also, Bill Green and Victor Jones of the New Bern - Craven County Public Library were very helpful.

I am also involved with another Civil War diary site about my great grandfather, Private Jefferson Moses of the 93rd Illinois Infantry Regiment. The web designer for both sites is Ann Cowan.

Tom Gaard
Clive, IA,  November, 2010